— a creative director / art director

"Pil Bunny" Old Style Pilsner

 How do you get college students to remember your brand on social, when your competitors are outspending you 3 - 1?  You get weird. Which is why we brought the Pil bunny (all 7 feet of him) to life, and sent him back to school.

How do you get college students to remember your brand on social, when your competitors are outspending you 3 - 1?

You get weird. Which is why we brought the Pil bunny (all 7 feet of him) to life, and sent him back to school.

 From campus poster sales, to pre-drink parties, our bunny made sure to photobomb them all.

From campus poster sales, to pre-drink parties, our bunny made sure to photobomb them all.
